So just minutes before the sfflab countdown for Ncase M1 orders finished for the previous batch, I decided to order one for myself, so it will arrive 2-3 weeks from now.
I’d been struggling with my system cooling. Where I live, during summer we have 30-35C temperature for about 2-3 months and my system specs are the following (arriving slowly)
Intel I7 9700k
AsRock z390 phantom gaming ITX
EVGA RTX 2070 XC Gaming
Corsair SF 600
2x8Gb Corsair Vengeance LPX
Ncase M1 vented
I’m planning on overclocking this system, just a soft oc on CPU (4.9-5.0Ghz) and maybe GPU so it will get toasty.
So far I was thinking of the classic Noctua NH U9S dual fan setup push/pull (case exhaust) + 2 Noctua P12 redux 1700 for bottom inflow + 1 Noctua P12 redux 1700 side inflow
I was wondering if adding either a Kraken X52 for the CPU or a EVGA Hybrid kit for the GPU (120mm rad), cause that way either one of those components wont be trowing hot air into the case affecting overall performance. So the question is, which one should I pick for AIO, which one throws the most hot air into the case affecting the others components. Or should I just go air cooling all the way?
I will be using this setup basically for gaming and deep learning, so GPU intensive. Maybe my gf will do some 3d renders if i’m not playing
Thanks for the help and can’t wait to have this case in my hands.
I’d been struggling with my system cooling. Where I live, during summer we have 30-35C temperature for about 2-3 months and my system specs are the following (arriving slowly)
Intel I7 9700k
AsRock z390 phantom gaming ITX
EVGA RTX 2070 XC Gaming
Corsair SF 600
2x8Gb Corsair Vengeance LPX
Ncase M1 vented
I’m planning on overclocking this system, just a soft oc on CPU (4.9-5.0Ghz) and maybe GPU so it will get toasty.
So far I was thinking of the classic Noctua NH U9S dual fan setup push/pull (case exhaust) + 2 Noctua P12 redux 1700 for bottom inflow + 1 Noctua P12 redux 1700 side inflow
I was wondering if adding either a Kraken X52 for the CPU or a EVGA Hybrid kit for the GPU (120mm rad), cause that way either one of those components wont be trowing hot air into the case affecting overall performance. So the question is, which one should I pick for AIO, which one throws the most hot air into the case affecting the others components. Or should I just go air cooling all the way?
I will be using this setup basically for gaming and deep learning, so GPU intensive. Maybe my gf will do some 3d renders if i’m not playing
Thanks for the help and can’t wait to have this case in my hands.