Kapton tape is nice (and useful for other stuff, so no need to cancel your order), but for a quick and dirty test, just use whatever scotch tape or similar you have lying around. All you're looking for is confirmation if the drive spins up or not.
As for this not being a PSU issue - it's possible that there are PSUs that use modded SATA power connectors where this pin isn't present to avoid this issue, but given that this is an optional and IRL enterprise-only feature of the SATA spec, the vast majority of PSUs will not support drives like this. Your PSUs being on a "not supported" list is down to nothing more complex than them being regular off-the-shelf consumer PSUs, alongside the vast majority of PSUs out there. I would guess there are some PSUs targeted at professional workstation users and similar high-performance computing that might account for this possibility (as those users might come across a datacentre drive once in a blue moon), but other than that, I wouldn't expect PSU manufacturers to bother to source asymmetrical SATA crimp pins to avoid an issue 99.999999% of their PSUs will never encounter.
Right tried the tape (again....) defo doesn't work lol FML
Without sounding like a douche spending 80 quid on another psu to ruie it out seems like a sensible solution right now, I'm kinda thinking my time is more important than my money