Hello, here i am. Found the site.
I really thankfull for your comments. You are right about these comments so let me answer some questions here.. It is a work in progress so I just put it up there as a way of learning by doing. Every tip is welcome. Today I learned it needs more USB ports and the final version will get it since there are many good motherboards with less then 8 USB ports. The noise trap is also a work in progress since this design is really suited for it.
And we are thankful that you're answering them. A lot of project like this start with good intention and get buried because of a lack of communication. Good to see you're not going down that route.
More USB ports are of course useful if you've got space to put them. The noise trap could be a very cool feature of this case if you can make it work properly.
I will answer your questions now and I will try to update my campaign aswell. I might be switching to my own website soon (
www.bottlenext.com) because indiegogo or kickstarter take 5% for just having a website. And at the same time say that if the company doesnt deliver you are screwed. This is not how I want to do business. If you pay for it you get it. End of story.
Why can i just sell 1?
I already ordered 10 prototypes for 1900 euro and I am just trying to slow the bleeding on my bank account by selling a few of them at a lower price. I even lowered the price to 150 dollar now including shipping because I should be happy if people want to bleed with me.
If i had just produced one it would have cost 1250 euro so i opted to take 10.
If you already bought those prototypes, there's no reason for you to use indiegogo or kickstarter, apart from a little bit of exposure maybe. Set up a small shop on your site and sell that way, that seems like a much better option.
4 fans are 1x 140 cm. 1 or 2 fans on the GPU 1 CPU fan and a fan in the power supply. So it can be 4-5 fans total.
Got it. It wasn't apparent from the pictures that there even was a top fan, at least to me.
The air exhaust is 9 square cm (cm2) but if you want it bigger all you need is to turn the top part and it will be up a bit. Every milimeter gives u 6cm2 more exhaust. But then when you look from the side you can see trough it a bit.
The air intake is at least 20cm2. I'm sure it is but lazy to check it now since it doesnt matter as the air exhaust is the bottleneck there.
Air expands about 7% every 10 degrees it gets hotter if i remember correctly.
Just to put this into perspective, the area of the intake of a single 40mm fan is 23cm² (when the radius of the fan is 19mm and the radius of the motor hub is 11mm). It seems like 20cm², let alone 9cm² are way too little to get relatively quiet airflow for dissipating 200W of energy. It will be possible to cool the system, but as the air has to speed up at the intake and exhaust, you'll get ridiculous turbulence and noise as a result.
The reason why I chose to not be super transparent and go into crazy detail is that i believe most people don't care about all the details. They just want good pictures and a nice video to persuade them. Unlike people like us they don't want all the details. Just a good product.
I did however plan to make a more details button for those who care. Indiegogo doesnt facilitate such features directly.
The problem is that you went a little too low on the detail side. There was no mention of maximum GPU length or width, maximum CPU cooler height, SFX-L support, 2.5" mounts, the riser card or even the top fan. Nobody's going to buy a case they don't even know which components fit in, no matter how nice it looks.
Of course a good product is the most important thing, but if you don't present it nicely it's not going to sell. You don't have nice pictures and even the video that was up originally didn't tell me anything about the case at all except that it's round and made of multiple parts, even the animation was way too long. Mounting the top panel like you do is very creative and you can manually increase airflow with it as you just told me. No mention of that either, you could sell that as a feature.
There are also a lot of typos and unprofessional phrases in the text, none of which convince me of the effort that you've put into the product itself.
Right now my goal is to make a better video and explain with pictures why it is better, because that is how far most people are willing to go their free time. And i don't blame em. Free time should be fun time.
Yes, that is extremely important, and I think the new video that shows the components is already a huge improvement! I now know much more about the case and its limitations.
This is not a Mac Pro ripoff. The idea started about having the cables on the bottom so the airflow would be less interrupted. The only reason why its round and small is because of the "Wife Acceptance Factor". I am married and my wife thinks she owns me so I just have to adjust to all her demands. Its not fair. I just wanted the dream
You could say its a wolf in sheeps clothing, a hidden gamers pc. Or just something you can put a fishtank on.
This is a MacPro (did the designer know about those cables?)
The video is also updated (a few minutes after I wrote this) and i will add audio.
Thank you so far. Hope you enjoy telling me more of what you know!
Personally I don't think that needs to be clarified, it looks different enough. I like that there's just a single hole for all the wires to exit, but you should think about how quickly you can plug something in or out, too. Right now it looks like you'd have to unscrew the top panel and remove the outer shell.
Still, incorporating the wires into the design of the case is going to be a huge selling point for some people.
This seems like a good project so far and I think you'll have no problem selling quite a few units, but you have to learn how to present your product well.