Search results

  1. K888D

    Prototype Lazer3D LZX-Series (CNC, Triple Slot, M-ATX)

    I've been working on a successor to the LZ7 for sometime, but with the growing trend of oversized Graphics Cards it's been difficult to settle on the right balance of size and features. Please let me know your feedback and suggestions on what you would like to see in the next generation of...
  2. K888D

    Prototype Lazer3D ST8 - Slim Tower Case

    First of all I would like to say I hope everyone is staying safe and well in these difficult times. Adhering to social distancing and the #stayathome guidance has meant working from home for many of us, I have tried to use some of my time to explore new concepts for future Lazer3D cases...
  3. K888D

    Concept Lazer3D ST8 - Adaptable Volume Slim Tower Case

    I was recently asked by a customer to create a version of the infamous GTEK Tenuis case, its an absolutely gorgeous design. The proposed concept is influenced by the Tenuis, but at the same time it has its own unique features, construction, layout and aesthetics. I have been in touch with the...
  4. K888D

    News AMD APU's - CES 2018 Announcement

    AMD have released details of their 2018 lineup including 2 new Ryzen APU's which will be launching February 12th, they are the Ryzen 3 2200G ($99) and Ryzen 5 2400G ($169), interestingly no Ryzen 7 model has been announced yet. AMD are claiming that the 2400G will perform about the same as an...
  5. K888D

    Production Lazer3D HT5 - Low Profile APU Case

    APUs are set to make a big comeback in 2018 with AMD's Ryzen/Vega based AM4 chips leading the way. Powerful processing and graphics on a single chip with the latest connectivity will make them a great choice for low cost gaming PC's or advanced Home Theatre PC's. Introducing the HT5, a compact...
  6. K888D

    News Gigabyte Aorus GTX 1080 Gaming Box

    Gigabyte have announced a new version of its external graphics enclosure based around its upcoming GTX 1080 ITX card, news post from TPU here: The article states "taking advantage of its new GeForce GTX 1080 Mini...
  7. K888D

    Visit to Insomnia 61 Gaming Festival

    Insomnia 61 (i61) is the UK's biggest gaming festival held annually at the NEC in Birmingham. Primarily the festival is about gaming competitions with a huge LAN hall with hundreds of people battling it out. There are also a couple of halls full of booths and stands from all the major gaming...
  8. K888D

    News Noctua Introduces 120x15 A-series fans - Finally!

    THE fans we've all been all been waiting for are finally here! Noctua have just announced they are currently shipping out their new lineup of premium quiet fans which include the highly anticipated 120mm x 15mm models: NF-A12x15 PWM NF-A12x15 FLX
  9. K888D

    GPU AMD Radeon RX 550 Graphics Cards

    The 'low end' GPU market hasn't received much attention over the past couple of years, with AMD and Nvidia battling it out in the mid to high end space, leaving integrated graphics to try and cater for the low end. Even though integrated graphics have come a long way over the past 5 years and...
  10. K888D

    GPU Powering a slot powered GPU with a Pico/HDPLEX type PSU

    The latest generation of (low end) GPUs such as the RX 460 AND GTX 1050 are capable of decent gaming performance and a lot of the models are PCIe slot powered making them ideal for restricted power supplies. Is it safe to power these cards using a HDPLEX or Pico type power supply? Will it cause...
  11. K888D

    GPU MSI GTX 1060 "Mini" cards

    Mini rant about mini cards: MSI have released a range of new "mini" GTX 1060's, but unfortunately they have missed the point of what a Mini-ITX card actually means. they have 4 new models, 2 of which linked below...
  12. K888D

    Selling Various Graphics Cards for Sale

    Over the past few years I've built up a small collection of Graphics Cards that I haven't really used much, this new forum section seems like the perfect opportunity to find them a better home where they can get some use. If you are interested in any of the following cards or have any questions...
  13. K888D

    Production Lazer3D - LZ XTD - Alternative Designs

    The LZ7 mini cube case is intended to be part of a range of cases that cater for different SFF needs, I have tried to create a design that can easily scale up and down in size. I was going to work on a smaller case that would be named the LZ5, but there has instead been quite a bit of interest...
  14. K888D

    News AMD RX 460 and RX 470 announced

    AMD have announced the RX 460 and RX 470 cards. It looks like the 460 will be PCIE slot powered which should be great for SFF systems. Look forward to seeing the benchmarks. The RX 470 is described as being a 1080p card, so perhaps similar performance to a 970...
  15. K888D

    News GTX 1070 built into Skylake Motherboard

    Check out this motherboard which has a GTX 1070 built in, this would be the answer to all our indie SFF case dreams it was sold to the public! But judging from the side mounted USB ports it has been designed to fit into a specific enclosure. But still, imagine the potential this has for fitting...
  16. K888D

    GPU M-ITX Graphics Card Lengths

    Rather than hijacking @Hahutzy XS case thread with graphics card lengths, I thought it may be better to discuss them in their own thread. @iFreilicht was talking about the lengths of different cards, the EVGA ITX cards are stated as 173mm on their product page, but from my own personal...
  17. K888D

    Aerocool Dream Box - Modular build your own PC

    Has anyone seen this new modular build your own PC from Aerocool: Could make for some interesting custom mini builds.
  18. K888D

    Production Lazer3D LZ7 - Quiet Gaming Cube PC Case

    LATEST UPDATES LZ7 is now available to order at Overclockers UK If Overclockers UK do not ship to your country you can order direct from Lazer3D (HERE) Updated Product Page (work in progress) Updated Configurator SIZE Mini ITX form factor SFX PSU Support 226mm (W) x 198mm (D) x 158mm (H)...
  19. K888D

    Sub 3Litre Silent Case for up to 65W TDP

    For the past few months I have been working on a custom design Mini ITX case made from sheet Acrylic. The objectives of this case project are: Sub 3Litre in volume 65W CPU TDP Virtually Silent cooling Multiple storage options Use a 92mm Fan low profile CPU cooler Low cost chassis I am really...
  20. K888D


    Hello everyone, I stumbled accross this forum a few days ago whilst researching into SFF computers and have been fascinated ever since. There are some great threads and I am very impressed with all the custom SFF case designs. I live in the UK and my background is in Product...