To elaborate a little: I am fair sure this is the smallest case which fits a 4070 Super / 4070 Ti Super, here's a video showing the Inno3D card fitting but barely -- this matches the case description which says max 273mm GPU and Inno3D says 250mm:
映众4070TI SUPER 曜夜X2开箱,桌面ITX小强机变得更强了, 视频播放量 49658、弹幕量 51、点赞数 314、投硬币枚数 55、收藏人数 251、转发人数 67, 视频作者 别人种花我种韭菜, 作者简介 此生无悔入华夏,来世还在种花家。୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭,相关视频:映众RTX 4070ti Super曜夜x2,我能找到的性能最好的小尺寸双风扇显卡,ZS-A4S机箱,7.3升4070S迷你ITX主机装机分享,短双风扇的4070 TI SUPER 映众4070TI SUPER曜夜X2 评测 映众显卡 映众 4070tisuper 光追...
I suspect you could cool a 7800X3D in there especially if you put it into some eco mode. Thermalright AXP90-X47Cu looks good (the 53 would fit but probably would be very noisy being so close to the side).
It needs a Flex ATX PSU alas to squeeze that GPU in there it seems. However, I suspect with sufficiently low profile RAM two HDPlex GaN 250W could be fitted -- 1U is 80mm wide, two HDPlex would be 110mm perhaps overhanging the RAM: