Why I'm Here, and Hello

Hi folks. My name is Steve. Screen name LooseNeutral. I'm here because a friend tracked me down to say hi. You know him as Confusis. I got to know him on another forum, bit-tech a few years ago as I had just descovered the modding communities. Hmm, 'bout 2008 I think. He's my friend, John. I was actually on the forums for about a year, or more, before I started talking to people. Not that I'm shy by any means.. Just was out of my norm.

John [Confusis] recently reached out to me, err more like hunted me down to tell me about this place.[thank you] While I was on Facebook chat with him I was signing up. Why You ask. Because of another site I became friends with him and a collection of some real good people. CraigBru is here. It was this little site Called LOSIAS. It left a mark on my soul. I'm here because, no matter how a thing may end.. from that something else begins. I made friends I'll think about on my death bed. I still talk to some on other forums who ask. I have one to talk to after I'm done here, good soul. Modder. Waynio just asked me the other night about the folks he'd met... Yep, a little place can leave a mark folks. I see this place with the same eyes as I was then. I've read a lot of posts here, I see the potential. Good people. It will grow from that and that alone. Keep community first, even if I may get drunk and get .. opps... nevermind. Not kidding, I ment what I said about LOSIAS. You will make friends here. I hope I'm one of them. I'm not just talking about someone you call a friend. John is half the world away from me.... I'm Thankfull after all this time, one little site made a difference. CraigBru gave me oppertunities to do things like editing podcasts, contributing graphics to the site. Just let me be me. Craig, many thanks. Even if those podcasts were challenging as an audio spec.. It was a labor of love. That's how you grow a thing. That's why I'm here.

Hello - my future new friends. lets see where this road goes. Thanks for having me.


Founder of SFF.N
Chimera Industries
Gold Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
Awesome story and background, thanks for sharing :)

I'm incredibly excited to see how our community will grow, and I hope that it can bring to people the sorts of experiences and connections you had/made on LOSIAS. A certain upcoming announcement will contribute to this greatly, I think ;)


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Indeed, compelling ! As a human, I think it is very important to do something that makes you proud of yourself, that moves boundaries but also that brings people closer. I'm a forum addict because of these goals, I want my time on this spherical ball of rock to help the community, because that's what seperates us from all the other animals: our ability to determine our future as a community. Some people have made a larger impact on my life and many others through media like a forum or a blog post, and I feel it's a medium that can help people that want to, to grow beyond many limitations. Make us proud !


Cramming big things in small boxes since 2006
Jul 2, 2015
Well said Steve! No matter where we started, there are a core group of guys that will always be part of some great memories. You of course are a huge part of that. Beyond the podcasts, hell, I remember some pretty crazy conversations going on in Mumble. Time may have passed, but I'll never forget them. That said, I'm packing up my toys and moving in here too. I can see that this community has the potential to be more than just some random strangers posting in a forum. I'm excited to be even a little part of it, and I can't wait to see it grow!


Cramming big things in small boxes since 2006
Jul 2, 2015
Hey Guille! I wonder if they have any idea what's in store for them... :D


Jessica. Wayward SFF.n Founder
Silver Supporter
Feb 22, 2015
Great post! I have high hopes for this community and we're working hard to improve it. The new theme for instance I think you guys will really like.
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John Morrison. Founder and Team Leader of SFF.N
SFF Network
SFF Workshop
SFFn Staff
Jun 19, 2015
Well put guys. Places like this, the more.. 'niche' communities, survive better if everyone gets along and friendships are formed.

Craig, Steve - yep, these guys have no idea what's in store for them ;)
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Trash Compacter
Original poster
Jul 3, 2015
LOSIAS is in my DNA. This place is "LUCY". did you see the movie? Crazy way I look at things. Thank you for the kind comments. I'm looking at this place as a grand new fresh start. I'm hoping to encorage some other 'ol friends to come and participate, time being stretched these days with the explosion of social networks and of course we all got a tad bit older and life sometimes just gets in the way. As a day goes.

To the creators of the site, mods, future mods and all others who wish to help build a great place. You need not look no further than any of your other fav sites for guidence. Mistakes, missteps will be made. We are only Human. I say that often on my Twitters. Never let the exitement of something, as this place may, will, grow, overcome common sense. KISS theroy. Never take on things you know you want to do with unrealistic expectations. It hurts you, it hurts the community your trying to build. Take baby steps. People who come here should always come first. Grow as you need, making changes, adding features as needed, But never at the expense of your sanity. Fun comes first. That's how great sites are built, but sadly lose their way. It doesn't matter if you have 100 members or a Million. Be true unto thy self. Let the good times roll. Friendships made here, bonds, are going to be forged. That, only that, is why any site really prevails any test of time.

If I can be of any help, service, to the site you need only to ask and I'll do what I can to help. When I can. This is what I do. This is me. I hope others here can do whatever, whenever as well. This is how you build a community. You give.

again, thank you for the kind comments. Loose


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
I can see that this community has the potential to be more than just some random strangers posting in a forum.
Thanks for saying that, I really believe that too.

Great post! I have high hopes for this community and we're working hard to improve it. The new theme for instance I think you guys will really like.
But is it SFF-approved ? Let's run the checklist:

1. Is it atleast the smallest theme in it's class ?
2. Is it made with the love and care of talented people ?
3. Have atleast 3 people complained about it not having room for an ODD or multiple 3,5" HDDs ?
4. Have atleast 3 people posted a pic of Futurama's "Shut up and take my money"-meme ?


John Morrison. Founder and Team Leader of SFF.N
SFF Network
SFF Workshop
SFFn Staff
Jun 19, 2015