Advice Smallest Case that Can Handle an SFX Power Supply and Full Size GPU


Minimal Tinkerer
Original poster
New User
Dec 2, 2020
Howdy folks! I've stalked your forums for a while now, but finally decided to create an account. Please check out my introduction page if you want a little bit of background on me.

Now, onto my question: It's exactly as the title says: I need the smallest case that can handle the mentioned hardware. It does not have to be a readily available production case, I am fine with ordering from another country. I have seen the CustomMod 6.8L case, which is capable of what I'm looking for, what was wondering if something even smaller has been designed? It absolutely has to be SFX compatible, an HDPLEX simply is not going to provide the power I need (I have a Titan X Pascal, which by itself draws up to 250W under max load). "Good" airflow is a must. I obviously understand the limitations of airflow in PCs this small, by "Good" I simply mean the side panels can't be solid or anything crazy like that.

So far, I've only really found the CustomMod 6.8L to be what I need. That said, If I can find something that's even .1L smaller, I'd be happy. Looking for the absolute smallest case that will handle this hardware.

Thanks in advance folks, and I appreciate you having me!



Shrink Ray Wielder
Jan 25, 2018
So far, I've only really found the CustomMod 6.8L to be what I need. That said, If I can find something that's even .1L smaller, I'd be happy. Looking for the absolute smallest case that will handle this hardware.

Check out the SGPC's K55.
308x118x179 = 6.5 litres
300mm display card (same as CustomMod's)
55mm CPU cooler clearance (better than CustomMod's 48mm)

For a case this small, better double check to make sure all your desired components both fit physically and thermally acceptable. (K55 seller mentions that this case does not officially support motherboard with a fully enclosed IO shield but a new version will improve in this aspect of compatibility. He mentions that one might try his luck to force fit. I personally might consider just removing the IO shield, if necessary.)

Here is a dedicated SGPC forum and the seller participates a lot. I see there are many threads about K55, where I reckon you will find many good info about this case (eg adding fan(s) to enhance cooling).

Product link:-

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Minimal Tinkerer
Original poster
New User
Dec 2, 2020
Thank you kindly! I'll check this one out, .3 Liters smaller is a pretty fair difference!


Case Bender
New User
Jan 31, 2020
I've been using the case for a few months now, definitely worth checking out
It's not without flaws, but its still very decent