In China I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as intellectual property rights anyhow. I guess since you were at the prototyping stage I assumed you were using a western manufacturer. I think that we're you to take a look at all of the Ncase M1 rip offs floating around you might be a little more concerned.
I didn't know there were ncase m1 clones in China. Link?
Would it be a big cost difference to go with a Taiwanese manufacturer vs. Chinese?
I think esplin2966 used the same manufacturer all throughout the development of the case. But I stumbled across a thread on /r/customcases that revealed to me that his design process was longer than I thought. I'm not sure why these designs weren't posted here but I like seeing that very first prototype going back to a shorter case. Was your pre-prototype home made?
Taiwanese manufacturers are actually around the same price as US manufacturers, which is kinda crazy because Taiwanese people make way less money.
My pre-prototype was indeed home made