Finally, last weekend, I had some time to sit down and execute part 1 of the transplant into the Metis! *happy dance*
Side panel off, with the SX500-LG installed:
That's a pretty small tiny PSU (compared to the AX 760i) - still looks big inside this case!
My vent mod, behind the PSU. My intention is to try and keep this relatively clear of cables:
Mobo transplant success!
Slight change of plans with the CPU cooler, ended up with a C1 instead of a C7. The heatsink pretty much covers the entire board which means it has to come out for
anything to go in.
Fans installed and SSD on the outside mount. Everything is super snug:
Speaking of things being snug, despite my front USB header changes the GPU still didn't quite fit. I had to take the fan shroud off...and to do that, disconnect this:
After fit...just:
The thing I'm least happy with is the craptastic PSU cables. They are all the wrong length or have to bend the wrong's a mess.
At this point I'm just trying to prove that it works, still undecided on how exactly to solve this. The GPU makes things extremely tight, where I can I've tucked the extra length between the 'top' of the PSU and the front panel.
Last but not least, the NZXT Grid+ V2, because:
1) The Corsair commander mini is way too big and a PITA to use.
2) The sys_fan header on the motherboard is PWM so I had no easy way to control the Corsair AF 120 (not PWM) and it sounded like a vacuum cleaner.
3) Depending on how well it can dissipate heat, I'll likely end up with the my Cryorig XT140 in the top panel.
It's actually quite small! The included 3M dual-lock pads work perfectly for mounting out of the way. Integration with CAM is excellent. Corsair could learn something from how well this works!
I'm nit picking, but the one thing I don't like about it is the custom power connector with a Molex plug on the end. Which meant I needed to add another cable into the PSU,
just for this. I'll get a Molex to SATA power adaptor, but I really think it should have just been a data connector to begin with.
It lives!
By and large things went to plan, only 2 snags:
- The GPU fan shroud
- PSU cables, particularly the ATX and CPU ones aren't long enough to be routed out of the way.
Some notes on performance:
Things work better than I expected in a case this small, idle temps are a respectable 40-42 at idle and between 55-65 on the CPU under gaming load. The GPU sits 38-40 idle and 70-75 under gaming load (Elite: Dangerous) But the fans don't spin on this card until it cracks 50.
I'm actually quite surprised how the GPU performs, in the Prodigy the GPU fans were facing a side panel vent. Even then the card would reach similar highs under gaming load, anecdotally it looks like it's about 3-4 degrees warmer now.
Under constant 100% load on both the CPU and GPU things get a little wild, the GPU tops out at 75 and the CPU a 71. A little high for my liking but that's not really a fair test. The intake fan gets a little noisy at this point, too.
During the setup of the Grid+ I noticed that there was a bigger impact to cooling by running the CPU fan faster from earlier - the good news is that the fan is pretty much silent even at full speed. So I've gone with a more aggressive curve to try and stay in front of the load.
The AF 120 at 900rpm is quiet, not silent. I think carving out the vent in the panel and just using a less restrictive grill will help keep the noise down. That said, in all my tests, I noticed that running it faster/louder compared to slower/quieter made very little difference to the overall temperature.
At 40 degrees the PSU fan kicks in (also silent) and starts to pull hot air out of the case - A feat it does surprisingly well considering the couple of centimetres it has to vent into under the case. Also the side panel vent mod seems to work really well, a lot better than I expected. Regardless of if the PSU fan is running the pressure of the intake fan (even at low speed) and the CPU fan blowing in that general direction, is enough to keep hot air exiting the case.
Remaining todo's:
- Better PSU cables
- Dismantle the case so I can paint the outside panels

- M O A R LED's!
Edit: Actual temps. Fixed borked image links.