New to SFF Forum

Hey all,

My name is Rob, I love building SFF PC's and found this site so I hit "join" immediately.

I live in Chengdu, China and work as a project manager for a video game company developing games for PS4/Xbox One. I came here to find new ideas on SFF PC's and see what others are doing as well as to learn more. I'll try and show my PC builds soon!


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Welcome ! That's an interesting job right there ! We have a few gaming-related topics in here too, like the "what are you playing now" thread and a VR thread with some excellent writeups. Interested to see what kind of builds you have.


Customizer of Titles
Original poster
SFFn Staff
Feb 26, 2016
Unfortunately I haven't been playing much recently because Uplay.....err Ubisoft Club servers are having issues and ruined my appetite for Rainbow Six. Hopefully FarCry Primal doesnt have these issues since it's single player only....

Here is my girlfriends PC. Silverstone SFX 450W Gold PSU, Gigabyte A88XN, A8 7600 (would have gone X4 but i had the A8 laying around), 2x4gb RAM, Sapphire R9 370 (for some reason it has R9, not R7 designation in China), 250gb MX100 and 1TB 2.5 drive.


SFF Guru
SFFn Staff
Feb 12, 2016
Welcome to the forum, @IntoxicatedPuma ! That is a very interesting build your girlfriend has there. You should post it in the, "Post Your Rig/ Setup" thread and also see some of what's possible with building SFF PC's. I do believe the reason for the 370 being released as an R9 as apposed to a R7, is the, "bigger is better", marketing strategy.

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