Original poster
This isn't the most epic question to ask in SFF forum but it is very essential to my build. This is for a display lid, where I put the controller in the bottom case and kind of gaffer the lcd on the top case. The hinge mechanism should be simple, although there are some complications. I've scoured far and wide and all I've found are these weird and lumpy cabinet customized hinges that don't necessarily tighten and are too damn crazy. There's also the fricking hydraulic pump looking one that's like the hood fixer upper on your car, and I saw the picture frame meme on reddit.
What I'm looking for are a two-dimensional door hinge kind of hinge that is tight-enable and fixed position. Kind of like the one on the Slabtop, and secured with nut and bolt. If anyone can find a super custom SFF-y hinge like this it would be great.
What I'm looking for are a two-dimensional door hinge kind of hinge that is tight-enable and fixed position. Kind of like the one on the Slabtop, and secured with nut and bolt. If anyone can find a super custom SFF-y hinge like this it would be great.