I am currently using Gigabyte GA-H110TN motherboard, with external power brick/PSU - Fortron V3 19 V, 90 W.
I have a Intel i7-6700t CPU, 2x ddr4 sodimm, mSATA ssd + 2x 2.5" 5400rpm SATA disks.
If i remember correctly, by kill o watt meter, it is more than enough currently.
My plan is to move to Unraid OS, so i could use a GPU passtrough to a VM. With integrated graphics it didnt work, so my second plan is to add a low power HD5450 PCI-E graphics.
But just to confirm, is my solution okey, to run 24/7 or are there some considerations not to do it?
Issues/problems from my view:
1) Is that the 90W power brick enough? I have a larger one also - 150W 19V 7.9A.
2) As i understand, x16 PCI-E graphics card should work on a x4 slot - correct?
3) Should a x4 to x16 riser without additional power work for HD5450?
I currently ordered this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32823815239.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.2f6a4c4dspPDYO
I am currently using Gigabyte GA-H110TN motherboard, with external power brick/PSU - Fortron V3 19 V, 90 W.
I have a Intel i7-6700t CPU, 2x ddr4 sodimm, mSATA ssd + 2x 2.5" 5400rpm SATA disks.
If i remember correctly, by kill o watt meter, it is more than enough currently.
My plan is to move to Unraid OS, so i could use a GPU passtrough to a VM. With integrated graphics it didnt work, so my second plan is to add a low power HD5450 PCI-E graphics.
But just to confirm, is my solution okey, to run 24/7 or are there some considerations not to do it?
Issues/problems from my view:
1) Is that the 90W power brick enough? I have a larger one also - 150W 19V 7.9A.
2) As i understand, x16 PCI-E graphics card should work on a x4 slot - correct?
3) Should a x4 to x16 riser without additional power work for HD5450?
I currently ordered this one: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32823815239.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.2f6a4c4dspPDYO