@brookZ no gamer left behind made me chuckle. We should help our fellow gamers weather the storm.
@RushNY Totally agree if you put in the effort you can still score a card at a more reasonable price. They still trickle in and get snatched up quick!
If I found a 1080 here it was to be for my personal rig. But for now I’ll wait.
Word wall! Feel free to bail now. No hard feelings.
All good suggestions everyone and I appreciate your thoughts. I posted this WTB a while back and recently condensed my stuff down to the Skyreach. The 1060 is fine for me right now and I game at 1440p. 20 years now since I built my first rig and many others for friends/family or referrals. No I definitely don’t know everything and love hearing what others suggest and share. I agree though that a1070 or better is where it’s at for enthusiast gamers. The pricing right now is just too out of line for me to buy purely on principle. To each his own on that.
I buy and sell parts all the time and cashed in quite nicely in the fall/ winter flipping GPUs to miners for profit. 2 regrets. Not keeping the 1070 SC I got open box at Microcenter for under 400 after tax long enough to sell it for more than I did. Lol. The other is not buying a 1080 when they were under 500 used before everything went sideways. Definitely would have kept that one.
I nearly doubled my money on 2 rx 480s and one 580 which I used to fund
a Ryzen 1700 system. Ran that for a while and this week I sold i to a guy at work... Ok maybe I have a problem. It’s my hobby. Definitely moving into ,hopefully, 1080 class gpu by years end unless the Crypto Apocalypse ruins our pc gaming/building passion forever. I doubt it will though.