Could the Aetina-offered MXM drivers work with the Deskmini GTX?


Trash Compacter
Original poster
Sep 3, 2017
I am looking into the Deskmini GTX 1060. I won't beat around the bush, I am looking to use something like Linux or Windows 8.1 on the machine if I do. There is a list of reasons, mostly for specific software that I use every day which has no Win 10 support yet. I understand I would be missing out on Direct x 12 and that is a sacrifice I would be willing to make - I might even dual-boot Win 10 and something else.

Anyway, the Deskmini GTX comes with Windows 10 only drivers, which makes sense given the chip-set and processor. But I was curious if anybody knew whether Aetina 1060 mxm drivers here: could conceivably work with the Deskmini GTX, as Aetina offers drivers for various operating systems beyond Win 10. Would this be a bad idea? Is the Deskmini board too specialized to hope these drivers would play nicely with it or should these drivers work just the same? I'm just asking the forum for your thoughts, as you are all more knowledgeable on this than I am. Thanks for any help.


Innovation through Miniaturization
Feb 1, 2016
The cards in the Deskmini are Aetina cards. The drivers they ship with are simply older Nvidia notebook drivers. You would likely be best off to simply download the newest notebook class drivers from Nvidia and install them rather than the dated ones offered on the Aetina site. Hope this helps.
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Trash Compacter
Original poster
Sep 3, 2017
The cards in the Deskmini are Aetina cards. The drivers they ship with are simply older Nvidia notebook drivers. You would likely be best off to simply download the newest notebook class drivers from Nvidia and install them rather than the dated ones offered on the Aetina site. Hope this helps.

Actually this is all VERY helpful. I foolishly did not even look at nvidia for applicable drivers. Thank you!