The brief: I’m a research scientist / engineer/ lecturer at a large university. I needed a compact, powerful workstation that I could stick in a backpack (i.e. brickless) and take between home and the office every day. It was intended for private as well as work tasks. Work tasks included...
Hi all, I've been a long time lurker and am a bit over my head in an MC600 build. I've been following zovc and TekEverything's guides and threads but am a bit hesitant to take a drill/saw to my case. Here's my spec:
Case: Logic Supply MC600
Mobo: Gigabyte Z370N
CPU: intel i5 8400
I am trying to put together a system based on an ITX motherboard and I want for it to have two 3.5" hard drives, in addition to two 2.5" drives; I will not be using a dedicated GPU but rather rely on an onboard graphics solution of the motherboard. I came across the MC600 by Logic Supply and I...
So I'm planning a build in the MC600 but I have a few questions and figured this would be the place to ask. I've seen almost all the builds here in this case, but still need a little more info.
So in Runamok81's build he was able to fit a 25mm fan above his L9i, which is 23mm tall. Therefore...
I have been meaning to put together a small form factor PC for simulation work, VR, etc. I needed something small, quiet and very powerful (for a highly graphical and multi-threaded application). I've been fairly impressed by the latest 65W TDP performance of the eight core Ryzen 7 series. The...