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  1. IIF

    DAN next project - A4-Nano/B4-SFX

    I saw that these are both slated for some time in 2024. Is there an estimated price you are shooting for, and will there be direct distribution in USA? I like the nano, and am looking forward to hearing the final specs.
  2. IIF

    Log First SFF build - What could go wrong?

    Did you try undervolting the GPU. Can make a big difference without sacrificing much if any of the stock performance.
  3. IIF

    Log First SFF build - What could go wrong?

    When I was reading your list just now, I was going to recommend the 2070 super just for the temps/power consumption. Are you running the stock 92mm fan on your cooler. I swapped mines for 120x15 noctua, and run the step down power adapter for a quieter rig. Temps are around the same, but the...
  4. IIF

    Log Testing 4 liter gaming rig

    Forgot to update this... It does not all fit inside. Physically impossible. With mandatory heatshield/separator, the top of the stock cooler just pops out a couple mm with a 15mm fan on top, and shroud covering it all. I'll post more pics soon, but it's an ongoing process as the stock cooler...
  5. IIF

    Log Testing 4 liter gaming rig

    Well, it's almost ready. 4 liter'ish with 4770k, and 1660 super. Still have to finish up the GPU side (figure out the final fan/shroud), put in a better heat shield, and clean up the front panel, but the pic gives a good idea of the final product. EDIT: GPU shroud... Temps were too high...
  6. IIF

    Advice Molex modded to a 8 pin?

    Looking for advice on powering a 1660 super with PCI-e and molex connectors since my pico unit doesn't have a 6, or 8 pin PCIe power connector. Is it possible to mod a molex directly to an 8 pin connector. I realize that pcie 8 pins are supposed to able to supply more power, but it will only...
  7. IIF

    Advice 1650 super ITX card, or better options for $160ish?

    Thanks! I can definitely get more power as I'm running the included 90 watter, but can swap in whatever sized unit I need. I can also cut the frame a bit, which is sounding more, and more likely. It just opens up a lot of options including some AMD cards which are better bang for the buck at...
  8. IIF

    Advice 1650 super ITX card, or better options for $160ish?

    I had some time to put a newish build together, and I think I can fit a 6" GPU in there with some cutting. Currently I'm looking a couple of 1650 Supers from Gigabyte, Zotac, etc. I like they can run of the PCI-e slot, only 75 watts, should be cool/quiet, but the performance is kinda low for...
  9. IIF

    Corsair SF 80+ Platinum Fan Mod/Swap

    Those calculators have done more for PSU sales... Here's my math. Feel free to lmk if I'm missing something... Here in CA, electricity is around 15 cents a kilowatt hour (1000 watts an hour). Each watt is .015 cents. Averaging out usage, most gamers are probably pulling 150ish watts from the...
  10. IIF

    Corsair SF 80+ Platinum Fan Mod/Swap

    Those calculators have done more for PSU sales... Here's my math. Feel free to lmk if I'm missing something... Here in CA, electricity is around 15 cents a kilowatt hour (1000 watts an hour). Each watt is .015 cents. Averaging out usage, most gamers are probably pulling 150ish watts from the...
  11. IIF

    Howdy from the Desert

    Thx! I originally had the intake in the rear as that gave the freshest air, but the problem was my psu wasn't getting anything from the front "mesh" panel. I swapped to a SFXL, but it didn't help so I did some cuttin'. Opened it up for my 280mm video card too as it was just a tiny bit short. If...
  12. IIF

    Corsair SF 80+ Platinum Fan Mod/Swap

    It would be pretty hard to save that much by going from gold to platinum. It's only 3% more efficient. You're probably saving around $5 tops a year, but at least you get a better warranty, and cables.
  13. IIF

    Howdy from the Desert

    Hey all, Been building pc's for 20 years now. Started with basic boxes, then high performance screamers, then silent rigs, and for the last few years trying to bundle those features into smaller rigs. 1st SFF project was modding a Bitfenix ITX Prodigy to fit an MATX mobo, D14 cooler, with...