Thinking I was alone in experiencing some very weird issues after installing the 375.57 drivers for my GTX 750 Ti, I went searching the web and found this PCPer post, leading me to the realisation- 375.57 may have been taken out of the oven a little early.
NVIDIA released the driver after some WHQL delays (possibly caused by the time of year), claiming optimal performance for Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2, and Civilisation 6. However, all is not well. From basic video rendering bugs, to my start menu in Windows 10 locking up when moving a tile, there are a few issues to be found in this release.
Faults include;
- Live Tiles locking up the panel when being moved
- GeForce Experience not included even though notes state it is included
- Windows 10 Mail app crashing
- Artifacts in Youtube and GIFs
- Possible issues with Battlefield 1 launch
At present, we recommend rolling back to the previous driver, and waiting until a hotfix, or the next driver is released.
It seems that NVIDIA has already released a 375.63 driver. I’ve installed this now and will report back any issues.
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Have you had any issues? Let us know in the forums.