Happy New Year to all!
It's become clear that SFF Network, as is, is not sustainable. The continued decline of readership of written content - the 10 minute summary clickbait YouTube videos that other content creators put out are far more desired - as well as many significant changes in my personal life have led to the following decision.
Going forward, SFF Network will no longer publish news, reviews and editorials. I'll be adjusting the DNS settings so that the SmallFormFactor.net and SFF.Network domains point to the forum. The community and Discord will live on for perpetuity!
I've made significant efforts to reduce costs and increase revenue, as well as significant efforts to focus time and energy on content and community, but alas, SFF Network still operates at a massively unsustainable deficit - half the operating costs are funded out of my pocket on an ongoing basis. Keep in mind our team, and myself, are volunteers - so this deficit is without even taking into account value of time spent!
With the loss of my long-standing "day job" employment in May 2024, and my move to night shift work with a significant increase in commute time and significant decrease in flexibility, the time and energy I have spare for the content side of SFF Network is minimal.
I thank each and every one of you for your support of SFF Network through the ups and downs we've had since we launched almost 10 years ago. I'd also like to thank our team for their support, even though I don't (can't) pay them a cent!
In short:
Community forum and Discord is business as usual.
No more reviews and news.
It's become clear that SFF Network, as is, is not sustainable. The continued decline of readership of written content - the 10 minute summary clickbait YouTube videos that other content creators put out are far more desired - as well as many significant changes in my personal life have led to the following decision.
Going forward, SFF Network will no longer publish news, reviews and editorials. I'll be adjusting the DNS settings so that the SmallFormFactor.net and SFF.Network domains point to the forum. The community and Discord will live on for perpetuity!
I've made significant efforts to reduce costs and increase revenue, as well as significant efforts to focus time and energy on content and community, but alas, SFF Network still operates at a massively unsustainable deficit - half the operating costs are funded out of my pocket on an ongoing basis. Keep in mind our team, and myself, are volunteers - so this deficit is without even taking into account value of time spent!
With the loss of my long-standing "day job" employment in May 2024, and my move to night shift work with a significant increase in commute time and significant decrease in flexibility, the time and energy I have spare for the content side of SFF Network is minimal.
I thank each and every one of you for your support of SFF Network through the ups and downs we've had since we launched almost 10 years ago. I'd also like to thank our team for their support, even though I don't (can't) pay them a cent!
In short:
Community forum and Discord is business as usual.
No more reviews and news.