Forgot to update this... It does not all fit inside. Physically impossible. With mandatory heatshield/separator, the top of the stock cooler just pops out a couple mm with a 15mm fan on top, and shroud covering it all. I'll post more pics soon, but it's an ongoing process as the stock cooler I set this up for is too loud even with a Noctua 120x15mm fan. Modding a heatpipe cooler from an old card right now. If that doesnt work, I'll probably buy that mono heatpipe cooler. It's taller than my other solutions, but should make it very quiet. PITA trying to get the GPU side dialed in along with the PSU. In fact, this whole builds been problematic, but it looked promising with one side done, and the matching shroud on the other side. Until the noise... Trying to get it all, but I'm probably gonna lose somewhere.
Forgot to update this... It does not all fit inside. Physically impossible. With mandatory heatshield/separator, the top of the stock cooler just pops out a couple mm with a 15mm fan on top, and shroud covering it all. I'll post more pics soon, but it's an ongoing process as the stock cooler I set this up for is too loud even with a Noctua 120x15mm fan. Modding a heatpipe cooler from an old card right now. If that doesnt work, I'll probably buy that mono heatpipe cooler. It's taller than my other solutions, but should make it very quiet.
PITA trying to get the GPU side dialed in along with the PSU. In fact, this whole builds been problematic, but it looked promising with one side done, and the matching shroud on the other side. Until the noise... Trying to get it all, but I'm probably gonna lose somewhere.