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Well, it's almost ready.  4 liter'ish with 4770k, and 1660 super.  Still have to finish up the GPU side (figure out the final fan/shroud), put in a better heat shield, and clean up the front panel, but the pic gives a good idea of the final product.


GPU shroud...



Temps were too high without a heat shield, so between that and the PCI-e riser (rt angle raised card a few mm more), I knew I'd have to cut the side panel more than I anticipated.  I had planned on just the 15mm fan poking through the side, but part of the cooler does too. This was my 1st attempt before settling on reversing the shroud as it wouldn't sit right in this orientation. It also looks better with that opening in the front IMO.

After testing, the noise was a bit too much cuz the crappy Asus Phoenix cooler. Currently modding a heatpipe cooler to work in the same space, and hopefully the shroud will still fit.  Last thing will be something like an Arctic Mono VGA cooler, but that's 15 mm higher than my current solutions.