SFF.Network SFF Build Challenge - #3

The next SFF Build Challenge is a week away, and we're in need of the build that us four J's will construct next!

All builds are chosen by the community, and as such, we give the forum half a week to make suggestions and (eventually) vote for their favorite one. There are only three rules to suggesting a build:

1. There has to be a price ceiling (though this can be as high as you'd like)
2. The build has to be possible (no "quad-SLI within 2L for under $75", please)
3. The build can't be identical or really similar to something we've done recently

Whatever build is selected, the four J's will have to independently build, and then defend, during the last Low Volume podcast of the month.

So what shall we build, friends? Our fate is in your hands...

Suggestions close Midnight NZST Thursday (the midnight between wed and thurs). Countdown here:
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SFF Guru
Feb 23, 2016
A living room gaming PC based around the GTX 1070 for less than $1,100 including the OS and is ready to play out of the box (accessories are included e.g. gamepad, keyboard, etc).

Things to consider:
  • Suited for the living room environment, i.e. size, aesthetics and noise.
  • Allows for comfortable gaming on your couch
  • Any Operating System can be used that gives you access to modern games
  • Like
Reactions: Soul_Est


John Morrison. Founder and Team Leader of SFF.N
Original poster
SFF Network
SFF Workshop
SFFn Staff
Jun 19, 2015
Poll added, let us know which system you would like us to 'Build'