October 12 PSA: We've banned some accounts; here's why.

Hello all,

Just wanted to quickly mention that we've observed bad behavior from - and received numerous reports for - a pair of accounts that were particularly active on the Buy/Sell/Trade section. We try to be as lenient as possible, but in this circumstance we've moved forward with banning these accounts in order to protect the community. As a result, you will notice a number of closed and locked threads, and won't notice others that we've since deleted.

We don't take bans lightly, and I want to be transparent about why we elected to do this. The accounts in question were banned due to:
  • One person using all of these accounts, in order to mislead us and the community.
  • Rude and disrespectful behavior.
  • Attempts to 'flip' purchases for profit.
  • Reports from users of misleading, dishonest and unresponsive behavior during transactions.
  • Consistent withholding of key information needed by others to make sound, informed decisions about whether to transact.
My apologies to everyone who was affected by these accounts, and our thanks to those who reported their experiences. Please don't hesitate to report poor or suspicious behavior, or to reach out to myself or other staff/mods for any reason.




Airflow Optimizer
Feb 22, 2017
Ah, of course it was the one person using all the accounts. I was wondering who was 'liking' otherwise unlikable posts!

Just want to say, from myself, and likely on behalf of others in the SFF community - thank you for being on top of this. I regularly buy things from folks here and I also post to sell and have been a seller myself. I have had nothing but positive, informed, straight-forward, and honest transactions with people around here - and so thank you again (worth repeating) for keeping it this way by listening to and continuously engaging with whats going on.


Chassis Packer
Aug 14, 2017
Awesome mods for being on top of those accounts. Its interesting now looking back those threads how they were worded almost all tbe same.


By Toutatis!
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Bronze Supporter
Apr 4, 2016
Ah, the usual dirty sales tactic in buy & sell section of any forum.. Finally it comes to SFF forum as well.

I agree, such assertive measure is necessary.

Thanks Mods :thumb:
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Average Stuffer
Sep 9, 2017
I am happy you guys caught this guy. I made a purchase from him and while I'll admit the product that I received was in fine working condition he kept emailing me all the time asking strange questions. 3 days ago my pay pal had a fraudulent charge for 520.20 and it all seemed a bit weird that it was for the same price he was selling stuff for. I'l never know if it was him but am happy you monitor suspicious people. As far as PayPal it sounds like I'll be getting my cash back, but it takes a couple weeks.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Jun 10, 2017
glad they caught that arse. It was fun to laugh at what he was trying to sell a $235 case for.... Then again, I bought one for $410 after fees.... It hasn't arrived yet but I still think its going to be worth it.
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Mortis Angelus

Airflow Optimizer
Jun 22, 2017
For someone that don't know all English sales-lingo; what does it mean to "flip" something for profit? What happened in the Sentry-thread (didn't follow it due to too high price tag)
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Minimal Tinkerer
New User
Feb 17, 2021
i registered to post my build pictures of Cerberus X. Being new, I posted s wuestion, that might have been out of the topic, just asking people on why pictures were not visible.. few minutes later I got banned for spam. very strange and unfriendly behaviour from admins imo.


John Morrison. Founder and Team Leader of SFF.N
SFF Network
SFF Workshop
SFFn Staff
Jun 19, 2015
i registered to post my build pictures of Cerberus X. Being new, I posted s wuestion, that might have been out of the topic, just asking people on why pictures were not visible.. few minutes later I got banned for spam. very strange and unfriendly behaviour from admins imo.
That account was banned on Oct 4, 2018. Two and a half years ago. Of note is the ban message to contact an admin if you believe it was in error (it was an auto ban by spam cleaner) but we have yet to receive any communication outside of this post from 2017 on an unrelated situation. Move on.