New member - upgrade in process - AMD build

Currently upgrading from mATX H17 (thermaltake). Going blower style 5700xt and keeping 2700x for some time ahead. No case yet - likely a sandwich layout or NCase m1 (availability issues - covid etc). Goal is 4k 60fps machine with ?‍?? carry-on luggage capability. GPU on order. 2700x heat a worry and that is a meantime cpu so i could see getting getting an ideal case (ghost or dan a4) and using it open air until next ryzen low tdp drops. cord cutting with the downsize... new perfs


Lord of the Boards
SFFn Staff
May 9, 2015
Welcome to the forum ! The Ncase M1 should be able to handle that with the right cooling, but it's a little wide for carry-on. The sandwich layouts might be better suited for that, you'll find plenty of info on the forum.

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