Buying Ncase M1 V6.1

Desired Price
Payment Methods
  1. PayPal
Delhi, India
Delivery Method
  1. Postal Service (e.g. USPS, Canada Post, etc.)
  2. Courier (e.g. FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.)
Looking to purchase a V6.1 in good spec. I'm based in India but can receive at a forwarder's address in the US. I have 6 confirmed trades on r/hardwareswap.

Also looking for an A9x14 (any color will do) as well as two pairs of Koolance QD3 (again, any color will do) for 10/13 tubing or male threaded.

Will pay via PayPal. Let's discuss pricing!
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What's an ITX?
New User
Sep 5, 2024
Hi, I found this post on a whim. I have a Silver NCASE M1 V6.1 I'm looking to sell. It would come with custom cables and a Fractal AIO from the previous build.
I'm guessing because I have a new account I wont be able to post pictures, so I've linked my sale post on Mercari for reference photos.
I joined the discord as well which is an easier way to keep in touch, my name is screw.attack
Link to the product for pictures -