Log k39 sandwich style case


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Jun 9, 2020
Hi all . First post on the forum. I recently caught the SFF bug and have been trying to find a case that will fit my need for a high-performance 4ish liter case that will fit a 1080 ti mini. I've cycled through a K39 and a Metalfish s3 so far and have found issues with both. While both awesome cases, I'm looking for something that will support a larger graphics card in a form factor similar to the k39. The height of the k39 put vertically will accommodate the 210ish mm of the mini, but I can't seem to find a case that fulfills that desire. Closest I've come is a Geeekcase A35 () which is pretty much a Dan A4 ish case with a flex atx PSU. I like the layout but HATE the construction materials. Wonder if anyone else has come across a case similar to the A35 thats acutally made of something other than acrylic.


King of Cable Management
Bronze Supporter
May 17, 2016
Welcome to SFFN!

Hi all . First post on the forum. I recently caught the SFF bug and have been trying to find a case that will fit my need for a high-performance 4ish liter case that will fit a 1080 ti mini. I've cycled through a K39 and a Metalfish s3 so far and have found issues with both. While both awesome cases, I'm looking for something that will support a larger graphics card in a form factor similar to the k39. The height of the k39 put vertically will accommodate the 210ish mm of the mini, but I can't seem to find a case that fulfills that desire.
With the PSU at the bottom, the K39 would only have room for a (220-40=) 180mm GPU put vertically.
I don't think there is a 4 liter case where a 210mm GPU fit, please share if you find one!

Closest I've come is a Geeekcase A35 () which is pretty much a Dan A4 ish case with a flex atx PSU. I like the layout but HATE the construction materials. Wonder if anyone else has come across a case similar to the A35 thats acutally made of something other than acrylic.
The A35 is about 7 liters, much bigger than the K39 or the MF S3.
Apart from the Dan A4 you mentioned, here under some similar options without acrylic:

SGPC K55 (~6 l.)

GPU max length: 305mm


Carbon fiber
GPU max length: 303mm

KKSB K1 (~7 l.)

GPU max length: 305mm


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Jun 9, 2020
Hey, thanks so much for the feedback. I ended up finding a post on this case (https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=582332837269) in the forums. Apparently the v2 was only 220 or so mm but the new one is 245mm. This was close enough for my tastes, plus pretty damn cheap. waiting for it to ship then going to put a pretty awesome portable system together.


Cable-Tie Ninja
Original poster
Jun 9, 2020
That's the one! I just got my b550 mobo and the PSU and AXP 90 I ordered with the case are set to ship with it. Still trying to decide if I want to use the 3700X I have on hand or give a 3900XT a try. I think the completed product may end up being my first build log/post on here. thanks again