Hello everyone! I am the owner of Tesseræ, a bespoke system integrator specializing in pre-built SFF PCs.
I love the DIY community, am a member of it myself, and hope we can be friends. I think there is more than enough space in this beautiful world for us to co-exist. I don't want to detract from DIY enthusiasts, and am not here to self-promote (though I know that by posting this, I am in a way promoting...sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). Even to potential customers, I say that if you have the know how and time and desire, to try out building your own PC! For those who either don't know how, don't have the desire, or the time, I hope to fill that need. I also noticed a lack of PC builders out there who offer SFF cases. Especially all the amazing cases this community has supported. Not a single PC builder out there sells one. The ones they DO sell are usually drab black boxes, or fall into the realm of more Micro-ATX than anything else.
So, I want to fill that gap too among PC builders.
You won't find me on here promoting. I'm mostly here to understand what people like in an SFF PC and hear their thoughts and opinions. I hope to partner with manufacturers, so there may be some comments dropped regarding that in the future.
Hope to make some great friendships here!