Hello everyone! I recently discovered this website, and found it through a lot of searching for builds involving small form factors. After days of browsing I found some interesting items, such as an Asus ROG G20 and various other prebuilt SSF PC's...However, I was looking more to build my own small form factor PC. Eventually I looked some things up on YouTube and found @Tek Everything, his videos enlightened me on Pico PSU's, and he then posted a review on the S4 mini which then led me to @Josh | NFC. I got really excited (still am); eventually I was led here and found a lot of interesting topics, as well as things I have never seen before. Eventually I decided to join the community not only because of my interest, but because of the interests and ambitions that I have witnessed here. I can't wait to see more of the content that everyone delivers!
Carlos Huerta
Carlos Huerta