Hello everyone :)

嗨,我的名字是 Kyscorpio,我希望为我构建新系统的计划找到灵感和帮助。

我目前有一台 240MM NZXT H210i 版本,它是我的主要 PC。

感谢这个地方,我很期待阅读 SFF 的东西,并希望能够在这个过程中做出更好的决定。


John Morrison. Founder and Team Leader of SFF.N
SFF Network
SFF Workshop
SFFn Staff
Jun 19, 2015
Welcome aboard!

Hi, my name is Kyscorpio and I hope to find inspiration and help for my plans to build a new system.

I currently have a 240MM NZXT H210i version, which is my main PC.

Thanks to this place, I am looking forward to reading SFF and hope to make better decisions in the process.

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