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Found this 150Whr battery pack/UPS the other day, should be able to handle that ~2hrs or more.

My rig is R5 1600 and RX550, compared to yours wattage should be a little less on the cpu and little more on đthe gpu, so roughly the same I guess? Mine takes 60 to 80W from the wall on light browsing and youtube, while on gaming it took up to 180W (I'm using 160W brick and dynamo mini, with 90% combined efficiency that should work to exactly 160W system power)

I'm afraid laptop-like battery pack for PCs is not readily available in mainstream, it's pretty much a diy scene now.

If you want to learn more, read On DIY Battery Powered DC UPS, for Portable SFF and Off Grid. There's some videos and calculations and discussions.

If you want to diy it, my suggestion is first to find ways to reduce your system power consumption. For example, using 2400g would net you 35W reduction in average and max wattage, with just a very slight gpu performance loss compared to 1030 (you can oc it but it's going to need more power).