Selling ($200) hdplex 400w ac-dc and dc-dc combo *USED*

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Payment Methods
  1. PayPal
Oxford, UK
Delivery Method
  1. Postal Service (e.g. USPS, Canada Post, etc.)
  2. Courier (e.g. FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc.)
  3. In Person

I've got an hdplex 400w ac-dc and dc-dc atx psu combo up for sale.

I've got them sitting in a cheap $20 raijintek metis knock off (they don't belong there) and am looking to build a new pc soon, but going for an sfx psu this time.

I wanted to do an s4 mini build but lack of availability and modern gpu sizes have me thinking about other options.

Let me know post code and I can provide a shipping quote.

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