Ah, I must have forgotten about that video, even after watching a couple of times. Everything I've been looking up is starting to blur together.I've also started looking into making a case more like the DAN A4 with the cards back to back (modified to be shorter of course, like no internal PSU shorter) roughly to be 8.5in x 7in x 4.4in, This is why the pico style connector from g-unique with the minimal cables is so interesting to me.I have a small backpack that I'm trying to get this PC to fit in, and the s4 layout doesn't actually work unless I bring the dimensions in to the tightest possible. Even then It's a bit to tight for comfort. But I'll be designing both of these layouts and then building in them and seeing what ends up being better for me and cooling. I've made some mock ups of the external sizing, with an estimation of the internal components layout and requirements. I'll post some pictures at some point if anyone is interested.
Ah, I must have forgotten about that video, even after watching a couple of times.
Everything I've been looking up is starting to blur together.
I've also started looking into making a case more like the DAN A4 with the cards back to back (modified to be shorter of course, like no internal PSU shorter) roughly to be 8.5in x 7in x 4.4in, This is why the pico style connector from g-unique with the minimal cables is so interesting to me.
I have a small backpack that I'm trying to get this PC to fit in, and the s4 layout doesn't actually work unless I bring the dimensions in to the tightest possible. Even then It's a bit to tight for comfort. But I'll be designing both of these layouts and then building in them and seeing what ends up being better for me and cooling.
I've made some mock ups of the external sizing, with an estimation of the internal components layout and requirements. I'll post some pictures at some point if anyone is interested.