Motherboard [13/04/2024]ASRock DeskMini A/X300 BIOS / "P1.80.RC02.SS01"(support S3 OK!!!) for X300 /"P3.70E" for A300 - AGESA Combo V2 PI "1.2.0.C"


Case Bender
New User
May 14, 2024
Good Morning all,

Have been running v1.80e on my X300 for quite a while now, for me S3 is a must. Have tried SL01 and confirms that S3 still works indeed (will not try SS01 as it has been reported as not working anymore). Question about S3 users: Can you wake your X300 up with your USB keyboard or mouse ? the reason I am asking is because it does not work for me, I have to physically push the button on the front of the X300.

This is anyoying as it is located into a cupboard below my desk, but I can live with it; it is better than not having S3 at all :-)
I checked all BIOS settings with CTRL+Q, could not find anything about enabling USB wake up events, etc....

Wondering if it works for any of you ?


What's an ITX?
New User
May 28, 2024
Can it be that S3 sleep works only on selected CPUs? I see the S3 as "Auto" in latest BIOS, but Windows 11 does not recognize it.


Case Bender
New User
May 14, 2024
Works fine for me
Thanks a lot Arnie-75 for confirming that; I went on testing a different keyboard, and came to the conclusion that it is my new KVM switch that have since 6+months that is not able to wake the X300 up when in sleep mode (I have tried all available USB ports). When plugging the keyboard directly into a USB port of the X300, it wakes it up immediately !! Happy now; thanks
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