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  1. couzz

    Prototype The world most flexible SFF case? LOUQE Ghost S1

    what color would or will you prefer for your ghost s1, and why? I want to use it on my living room and i am thinking is black too dark? But i realize that playstation 3 and 4 are also black at the same time.Also playstation is designed for living rooms.So i believe Sony knew these things better...
  2. couzz

    Prototype The world most flexible SFF case? LOUQE Ghost S1

    So you can add 2 x 2.5" without any hat.Thats what i am looking for.Because i want to use 1 ssd and 1 hdd together.Thank you for the answer.
  3. couzz

    Prototype The world most flexible SFF case? LOUQE Ghost S1

    "1 x 2.5" HDD/SSD, 3 x 2.5” with tray + M.2" I dont understand that what is the meaning "3 x 2.5” with tray + M.2" can you explain? it means that you need additional hats to install 3 x 2.5 hdd?
  4. couzz

    Need Your Advice for My Future Build

    I want to build a very silent and smallest system possible which can handle 4k-60 fps gaming in near future.Also i am not good at building pc.So i really need your opinions. As a case, i like the dan case a4-sfx.Because it is one of the smallest case i have ever seen.But i really wonder its...
  5. couzz

    Quiet and high-end sff building

    It will sound like that? sorry i do not understand what you meant...
  6. couzz

    Quiet and high-end sff building

    Thank you for the answer.You gave me new and good ideas.Especially i have not known that there were SFX-L psus and their differences. I have very long time before i will buy all companents.So i will read more about watercooling too and i think 3 is not bad a number.
  7. couzz

    Quiet and high-end sff building

    This is what i am exactly looking for and i have never built a sff system before.So i have zero experience.But being quiet is important for me as much as possible. I am planing to buy dan case sfx with high-end components like 1080 ti,i7 7700,16gb ram,sfx psu and noctua cpu fans etc.(this is my...