Resource icon

Read this before uploading!

All SFF.N users acknowledge and agree to the following when uploading or downloading files to/from SFF.N's Resources platform:
  • Only upload files that were created by you, or that you have express permission to share. If you are not the original creator or source of the file, make sure that they are credited
  • Files shared here are not allowed to be used for commercial purposes without the creator's approval
  • SFF.N is not responsible for the contents of any file, including their quality and accuracy. SFF.N reserves the right to remove any files from the Resources platform for any reason
  • SFF.N does not take ownership of any of the files uploaded to our Resources platform. We do, however reserve the right to use imagery or contextual information about this content for promotional purposes, though we always endeavor to contact the owner in this case
  • We comply with any copyright or other takedown requests. Do not upload infringing content. Any violations of this rule will result in rescinded uploading privileges or account bans
A few guidelines for uploading 3D models:
  • Try to model accurately. The goal is to provide 3D models of computer components to help people design enclosures, mods, and so forth. We will often delete poorly done models that are too inaccurate for that use case
  • Compress your 3D models into a .zip file before uploading to reduce their size
  • If you're using a CAD program, export to .STEP rather than the native file type, as it is more interoperable across programs
  • Select the appropriate prefix for the filetype when creating the resource
  • Add any useful tags if relevant: manufacturer, form factor, etc.
  • If applicable, add the URL to the official product page to the appropriate field
  • Have a 96x96 .jpg or .png of the model for the resource icon
First release
Last update
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