Recent content by nyxizbored

  1. N

    CPU Lowestprofile motherboard

    Probably a watercooled loop to an external radiator. I plan on trying to make a lower-profile block with some of the machining equipment I have, but we'll see how that goes 😅
  2. N

    CPU Lowestprofile motherboard

    Again, I know this sounds like an insane build, lol - I have some pretty decent machining and electronics experience so I miiiight be able to pull it off
  3. N

    CPU Lowestprofile motherboard

    Power draw concerns and ability to use a higher-end 30 series card, really.
  4. N

    CPU Lowestprofile motherboard

    As thin as possible, trying to conserve as much space for a cooler in a height-limited build. Willing to desolder some I/O to get that profile; I know it sounds like an insane requirement but I'm trying to improve on this insane build...
  5. N

    CPU Lowestprofile motherboard

    Thank you! Do you know of any recommendations for other form factors like mATX that may be low profile? I've been looking into Thin mini-ITX and it may not be what I need for the project I'm looking at.
  6. N

    CPU Lowestprofile motherboard

    What are some really low profile motherboards out there? Most if not all of the boards I see on the net are >2 USB ports tall, is there anything smaller than that that doesn't have an embedded chip? Looking to put together a really slim build and doing my research :} Cheers!
  7. N


    Hi guys! I like programming, CAD design, and coming up with really dumb ideas. One of those dumb ideas was for an SFFPC and my research led me here! Glad to be here :}