So I've been lurking around this forum for some time, and reading this thread about using a discrete graphics card I had some major questions; please forgive me if these are silly questions. I figured instead of trying to ask there it'd be better to start my own topic.
For starters there is mention that the pcie 4x slot on these thin itx boards is limited to 25 watts. Is this only stated in the manual? I'm not planning a build currently, but this is the board I'm looking at/will be using as a basis for all these questions.
I've looked all over that product page and don't see anything mentioning this limit, or a limit on cpu power usage.
On the thread I linked above, it seemed confirmed that the 2 pin connector (on their board, not necessarily this one) could be used to provide power. Assuming that this were true with my board why couldn't an appropriate adapter be used to hook that directly to a powered pcie riser?
This is coming from my point of view of using a GTX 1050 (non-Ti), which is a card with no extra power consumption needed. I thought that a typical power brick plugged into the board would be enough power for something like that, but I'm unsure and am having trouble finding the information to figure it out. I read mention of an HDPlex, which I'm not entirely sure the function of. Am I right in thinking that it takes in the voltage from the 2 pin connector, and boosts it to something that can be used to power a gpu?
And finally, what on earth is the small board connected to the 24-pin of the HDPlex in post 16 on the above thread?
I really appreciate any help anyone can offer and am sure I'll have more questions as things progress.