The new site is essentially a modern piece of bloatware junk.


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Feb 24, 2016
I understand that many people like it. I wanted this thread to exist for posterity.

SFF forum has transitioned to a more "modern" version that I do not find appealing in any way. It is harder to navigate as a database, and is more like a social network.
I am not expecting anything to change for the better really, since this is the way the internet experience is being designed now.

This is a simple statement that can be backed up by a 6.2 MB home page, which is shameful and ridiculous.


Case Bender
May 27, 2019
I have been long time lurker and just registered today. I must say that I agree with you regarding the recent changes.
The previous version was great! Basic but thanks to it clear and easy to navigate.
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Chassis Packer
Nov 24, 2018
Not gonna lie, I actively hate the front page, it looks pretty but I find it very hard to find what I'm looking for.

Even just removing the images helps but the core issue remains, it's just harder to navigate.


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Airflow Optimizer
Jan 27, 2017
One of the biggest benefits to newer forum software is it is normally HEAVILY customizable!
I like the new look, but the occasional extra clicks to navigate don't seem necessary, more an oversight.


Average Stuffer
Oct 15, 2018
I have to agree. I don't know which forum software is being used, but there are superior ones out the imo. But the admins have their their reasons, I am sure.


Innovation through Miniaturization
Feb 1, 2016
Your mom is a modern piece of bloatware junk. In all seriousness though, I'm still finding a few things hard to get used to and miss a fair few features of the old forum. I must say that I like the discord integration though.


Average Stuffer
Original poster
Feb 24, 2016
Your mom is a modern piece of bloatware junk.
Mom is well into the decomposing phase, so I guess that you are correct, and that she is a piece of bloatware junk. I could not guarantee it, since you'd have to dig her up first.

I hardly see what that has to do with the topic though ?.

I must say that I like the discord integration though.
I have tried to join the Discord server yesterday and as soon as it required me to start jumping through hoops and entering passwords and such, I have given up. Not worth it.

One of the biggest benefits to newer forum software is it is normally HEAVILY customizable!
I like the new look, but the occasional extra clicks to navigate don't seem necessary, more an oversight.
If I can't do the customization myself, it can fly to the moon and back and I still wouldn't care.

Pinging @PlayfulPhoenix who is doing the web dev.
The intention was not for this to become a feedback thread, otherwise it would have been in feedback, and I would have done the pinging myself.
Unless it could influence the development so severely and literally return the old format, basically unchanged, perhaps with some polish.
I understand, you have to appeal to the kids since that's where the momentum and subsequently, the money, is.

I do not endorse social networks because I prefer to do my socializing in person, and find such a concept absurd.

I like a standard forum format, where people can exchange knowledge, and are actually limited in expressing their emotions, as in, not being able to "react" to posts, but would have to write an actual response, if it were worth the effort.


John Morrison. Founder and Team Leader of SFF.N
SFF Network
SFF Workshop
SFFn Staff
Jun 19, 2015
Moved to feedback because it is feedback. I pinged playfulphoenix because all feedback is important, no matter how strongly felt or how you feel it will be taken


Airflow Optimizer
Jun 2, 2016
Not gonna lie, I actively hate the front page, it looks pretty but I find it very hard to find what I'm looking for.

Even just removing the images helps but the core issue remains, it's just harder to navigate.

I have to agree that the current style makes things more difficult to read and navigate. I understand it's all in progress work, so no big deal, yet. But the frontpage with images definately makes it harder to read. Perhaps move the images to the right/left, and leave text against a solid background color. And just list forum sub-categories under each other, not side-by-side, etc. Might feel more "old fashioned", but readability was figured out long time ago. And I need a brighter theme to be available. Personally, I like this swedish forum, which you might take some clues from:
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Cable-Tie Ninja
Dec 9, 2018
I don’t like it as well. I find things much harder to find. It seems like a bonfire of the vanities just adding stuff because it can be added. I find it hard to nagyagite.

There’s nothing wrong with the content, that is excellent, but more its presentation. I think also that it would be much better to slow changes down, give people time to adapt. Some changes are OK (lazy loading), some I’m ambivalent (I can live) then others are irritating. I end up going elsewhere as it is often easier to find an answer, and I know the answer is here I just can't find it.


SFF Lingo Aficionado
Oct 20, 2017
yeah, forum now basically sucks. I avoid it for almost a week, cause I needed to muster the a crap ton of willpower and patience to find stuff...

Forums should be list-like.... PERIOD


SFF Guru
SFFn Staff
Feb 12, 2016
I admit that I like the software you transitioned to. It is more modern and has more features to explore and use. That said, it seems like the software focused on quantity and not quality. Over the past few days I have had issues navigating to forums and threads that I had previously been able to access. For example:
all come up with a 404 error. Searching for those exact threads doesn't return any results for them. I don't mind the initial software as it is now. Just the basic functionalities are not working right. I know it'll get better over time.

EDIT: Just noticed the change to the URLs for accessing those pages. Those who bookmarked previous threads will need to update them. Search is still an issue though.
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S̳C̳S̳I̳ ̳f̳o̳r̳ ̳l̳i̳f̳e̳
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Jul 19, 2015
This was a bug that was introduced when dealing with something else. As was posted in this thread. It should be resolved as of now. Unfortunately there had to be a gap between making it mostly work and making everything work as it did before w/out reintroducing the preexisting bug. It is also entirely possible that whilst some initial testing from myself, @PlayfulPhoenix & a few community members who were kind enough to bash on the site on demand has shown the current fix (as implemented) is working as expected, its entirely possible that there are corner cases or other situations that may mean we do not have 100% coverage. Should this be the case i'd ask anyone to post a screenshot, the URL in question, aproximate date and time of the problem and any other information they think could be helpful in the Track our work thread. If there are problems then the more information users can provide then the easier its going to be for the team to paper over the cracks.

I admit that I like the software you transitioned to. It is more modern and has more features to explore and use. That said, it seems like the software focused on quantity and not quality. Over the past few days I have had issues navigating to forums and threads that I had previously been able to access. For example:
all come up with a 404 error. Searching for those exact threads doesn't return any results for them. I don't mind the initial software as it is now. Just the basic functionalities are not working right. I know it'll get better over time.

EDIT: Just noticed the change to the URLs for accessing those pages. Those who bookmarked previous threads will need to update them. Search is still an issue though.


SFF Guru
SFFn Staff
Feb 12, 2016
This was a bug that was introduced when dealing with something else. As was posted in this thread. It should be resolved as of now. Unfortunately there had to be a gap between making it mostly work and making everything work as it did before w/out reintroducing the preexisting bug. It is also entirely possible that whilst some initial testing from myself, @PlayfulPhoenix & a few community members who were kind enough to bash on the site on demand has shown the current fix (as implemented) is working as expected, its entirely possible that there are corner cases or other situations that may mean we do not have 100% coverage. Should this be the case i'd ask anyone to post a screenshot, the URL in question, aproximate date and time of the problem and any other information they think could be helpful in the Track our work thread. If there are problems then the more information users can provide then the easier its going to be for the team to paper over the cracks.
Thank you for the information and the correct bug-reporting procedure. I ended up posting here as I could not locate the Track Our Work thread at the time. I shall do as asked going forward.


By Toutatis!
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Bronze Supporter
Apr 4, 2016
Just sharing a tip that some of you may like;

Like many of you do, I also keep bookmarks of my favorite websites. However, for forums, usually what I save is the "latest post" URL. In this case for SFF forum is:

When you click it, it'll straight away show the latest post.
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By Toutatis!
SFFn Staff
Gold Supporter
Bronze Supporter
Apr 4, 2016
Just sharing a tip that some of you may like;

Like many of you do, I also keep bookmarks of my favorite websites. However, for forums, usually what I save is the "latest post" URL. In this case for SFF forum is:

When you click it, it'll straight away show the latest post.

Dang I forgot to show the URL. Seems like the forum automatically translate it.

Anw just right click, copy the link & then bookmark it.


Spatial Philosopher
Mar 6, 2016
Readability is currently junk.

Remove the background images for any navigation. They add visual noise. Replace it with vector icons or other simple images if you wish to have images.

A subforum and the most recent post should be better differentiated. I recommend indenting the recent post. This visual clutter is also because there is no hierarchy via font selection. Subforum names need to be bigger and more bold while the recent forum post needs to be indented.

Thread posts need to have a better differentiation between user posts. Currently there is just a small visual break line that breaks each user post. Recommend have each post as a separate "card."

It is growing pains but there's a lot of visual clutter that needs to be trashed for more emphasis on readability.

Here's a mockup with some of my suggestions for example:

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Ross Siggers

SFF Lingo Aficionado
Nov 10, 2018
I came here to say the exact same thing about the background images. Whilst older style forum front pages are just lines of text for the most part, they're perfectly clear at a glance. I think the current front page is too far in the opposite direction.
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