The goal: Fit a powerful pc into a Spice orange Gamecube with a matching GBA player, without increasing any external dimensions.
Parts List:
Parts List:
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600
Motherboard: Asrock Desk mini A300 (I was told that it would available 2/25/19 in the US)
Ram: Crucial - Ballistix Sport LT 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-2666 Memory
Storage: Crucial - P1 500 GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive
GPU: Sapphire - Radeon RX VEGA 56 8 GB PULSE Video Card
PSU: Dell 330W 19V AC-DC and Dynamo 360 (I was told they should be restocked in March)
Misc: M.2 to Pcie x16 (x4 connectivity) adapter
GC controller usb adapter
140mm "Case" fan (likely replacing the GPU fans)
This my first PC build, but not my first project of this nature (fitting thing where they shouldn't and using parts in unintended ways). I'm a mechanical engineering student with years of experience engineering type projects (FIRST Robotics 8th-12th Grade(FLL,FTC,FRC), 3 years of The Shell Eco-marathon, and various other things here an there) so this project will be finished one way or another, I promise this will not turn into a dead thread that had the potential to be cool.
Known and Potential problems:
- The 2600 does not have integrated graphics
- The cooler on the Vega 56 pulse will not fit in the GC (clearly)
Potential solutions:
- The computer will detect the GPU as a display adapter automatically. (I really hope)
- Buy or borrow an APU to get started and get the GPU detected
- Custom GPU cool, hopefully a dense -ish fin stack 140mm x 140mm x 30?mm, details will come later I need most of the parts to make some CAD models so I can work everything out. (It will turn out better than a episode of sketchy heat sinks)
I know I'm not he first person to do this, I have seen two others, but I intend to be the fastest and cleanest build.
Basically none, I ordered all of the parts that are coming from overseas (GC and M.2 adapter) awhile ago. One has cleared customs and is en route to me and the others are almost here as well. Everything (minus the GPU) will be ordered early next week (2/25) or maybe this weekend if I get time between midterms. The GPU doesn't need to be ordered , because I got a pretty good deal on a used one and its already here.

So other than some preliminary CAD to start mocking up the build I don't have much done, but rest assured that I will be up dating this thread as often as possible.
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