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Oh I didn't know [USER=13]@Lone[/USER] even stopped the website now, that's a shame.

That is a very cool idea, and I think this case could be an excellent study to try it out on. This feels quite similar to open-source keyboard projects, and you might take inspiration from those and offer the case as a complete kit in addition to the DIY version. It's a good way of getting a few units out to people that just want the case with as little fuss as possible short term while allowing indefinite availability in the long term without your involvement, so you'll be able to move onto other projects once sales from the first one are dropping. A plus is that potential customers in more remote areas can circumvent extraordinary shipping costs.

I think this model could work quite well for a lot of artisan cases, maybe [USER=267]@K888D[/USER] might do something similar in the future?