As mentioned elsewhere, I've abandoned this approach, and have the black shoddy S400 case repackaged, waiting for a day this week to be dropped off at the next DHL office.The Silverstone SG 16 is scheduled to arrive this Thursday, but I'm still going to test a few things, including fans on top of the case, plus the NH-L12S with its various configurations, before I finally decide on whether I gonna keep the streaming system in the S400 and use the SG16 for my main system (including an AIO mod for the Silverstone Vida 240), or move it into the SG16 and use the S400 for the main system, w0lf.
As mentioned elsewhere, I've abandoned this approach, and have the black shoddy S400 case repackaged, waiting for a day this week to be dropped off at the next DHL office.
The Silverstone SG 16 is scheduled to arrive this Thursday, but I'm still going to test a few things, including fans on top of the case, plus the NH-L12S with its various configurations, before I finally decide on whether I gonna keep the streaming system in the S400 and use the SG16 for my main system (including an AIO mod for the Silverstone Vida 240), or move it into the SG16 and use the S400 for the main system ..
cu, w0lf.