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I loved the look of this case, and had wanted to build a custom loop in it. The Shift X was probably the smarter choice as it providers ample surface area for radiators, but that would have been too easy... The Shift isn’t really SFF, but it’s foot print is relatively small.


Intel 6700K

Asus Strix z270i w/ monoblock

Geforce GTX 1080 FE w/ waterblock

Loop order

D5 pump - bottom 120mm x 26mm radiator - front 120mm x 30mm radiator - GTX1080 (no OC) - 6700K (5% auto OC) - QDC (removable reservoir) - D5 pump


ML 140 exhuast

2x EK F4 Vardar intake

passive exhaust up top and rear

Temperatures and sound while,

  • Idle
    • CPU ~30c
    • GPU ~40c
  • Gaming
    • CPU ~55c
    • GPU ~50c
    • Coolant ~ 42c
    • silent
  • Keyshot rendering
    • CPU ~66c
    • GPU ~45c
    • Coolant ~ 42c
    • relatively quiet
    • radiator fans ~1976rpm
    • pump ~4700rpm
    • exhaust ~1486rpm
  • Prime 95 (15 minutes)
    • CPU ~75c (and rising)
    • GPU ~48c
    • Coolant ~45c
    • relatively quiet
    • radiator fans ~1976rpm
    • pump ~4700rpm
    • exhaust ~1486rpm

The 960 M.2 drive stays at 58c. Actually cooler during stress tests when fans are running high rpm.

The 850 SSD drive hovers around 40-50c

The fans can be loud if I increase the radiator fans RPM beyond 2000 (front bottom fan blade interference with fan frame due to D5 vibration - need to address this)

Overall I’m happy with this build. Given that there is only 240mm of radiator, and crowded case, I wouldn’t expect cpu temperatures to get much better.