NFC 2D to 3D Bezel Conversion: CNC and Delta


Chassis Packer
Original poster
Mar 23, 2019
Is there a dxf/stl file that Josh has uploaded, so we can mod the bezel ourselves? I was hoping to visit the local makerspace, and the 3D bezel is sold out on Products anyway. I have downloaded Josh's Sketchup file for the Skyreach, but the file is with a 2D bezel.

But before I begin cutting, has anyone tested the thermals before and after the upgrade? What's your delta? Is it worth the effort?


Aug 16, 2017
Are you the one asking on discord as well?

Try asking josh directly, he'll know.

I just don't get the hoohahhs around 2d and 3d bezels - 3d is just 2d extruded, isn't it - you got the unit in front of you, start measuring and get modelling. You want to indent the part that your gpu protrudes, model that in.