I ordered an NCASE M1 and I am looking to build a computer that is relatively quiet at idle and still has good temps when gaming ( noise is less important as I wear headphones ).I am looking at my options for cooling and luckily M1AF has some good guides out there. One thing I could not find was noise levels at idle between1) an air cooler such as the C14S2) an AIO like the Kraken X53 with Noctua fans3) a custom AIO that could expand to a custom loop down the road such as the Barrow pump combo + Radiator w/ Noctua fansI was wondering if people that have tried these combos can comment at the noise at idle. I understand there is a performance trade-off with air cooling I just want to know if the options are quiet at idle.Thanks peeps
I ordered an NCASE M1 and I am looking to build a computer that is relatively quiet at idle and still has good temps when gaming ( noise is less important as I wear headphones ).
I am looking at my options for cooling and luckily M1AF has some good guides out there. One thing I could not find was noise levels at idle between
1) an air cooler such as the C14S
2) an AIO like the Kraken X53 with Noctua fans
3) a custom AIO that could expand to a custom loop down the road such as the Barrow pump combo + Radiator w/ Noctua fans
I was wondering if people that have tried these combos can comment at the noise at idle. I understand there is a performance trade-off with air cooling I just want to know if the options are quiet at idle.
Thanks peeps