Still think it is 160 DCGPU is rated 120wCPU is rated 65wMB will be about 10wNo mention of storage so lets assume SSD, thats 5>10 wRam. hard to say, but outervision with just 2 x DDR4 ( and standard KB and mouse inc) shows 65wand that is without any USB device, extra fans, LED etc... not saying the OP has any such, but just how these things add upI would pitch for at least 300w DC-ATX
Still think it is 160 DC
GPU is rated 120w
CPU is rated 65w
MB will be about 10w
No mention of storage so lets assume SSD, thats 5>10 w
Ram. hard to say, but outervision with just 2 x DDR4 ( and standard KB and mouse inc) shows 65w
and that is without any USB device, extra fans, LED etc... not saying the OP has any such, but just how these things add up
I would pitch for at least 300w DC-ATX