So on February 4th, my understanding was there were "2 more" shipments and everything is done. Where the 2nd shipment would be the "final" shipment.
On February 13th, the 2nd to last shipment was done, and so there was only the "final" shipment left over.
On March the 2nd, it transpired that the 2nd to last shipment was actually not finished yet, so we were asked to wait for the "last" shipment
On the same day (March 2nd), we were told to expect the "last" shipment in 2 weeks, ie. March 16th
On March 17th (approx 2 weeks from previous post) here you mentioned "This last shipment", which I think a lot of people thought was in fact the "last" shipment, but looking back, I guess you meant the "2nd last" or perhaps "previous" shipment.
On March 22nd you actually mention that the "final" shipment hasn't happened yet, but honestly that was a bit lost on me by then because I think most had assumed at this point that the "last shipment" was already happening
So on March 30th, we seem to have gotten to the point where we were supposed to be on March 2nd (i.e. 2 weeks until final shipment)
And today on April 12th, you use the phrase the second-to-last "just went out", and now preparing the last.
I don't mean to be nit-picky (although I accept that I am being nit-picky), but wanted to highlight where people's arguably justified confusion and frustrations lie with regards to the "last shipment". Reading back and looking at everything on one-page I think the key misleading post was the one on the 17th of March, which refers to "the last shipment" which happened to also line up with the timeline you had laid out 2 weeks prior. And so probably in a lot of people's eyes they're wondering why they haven't received any tracking for a month.