Meet the Creators - NFC Systems' Joshua Sniffen


John Morrison. Founder and Team Leader of SFF.N
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SFFn Staff
Jun 19, 2015
Some time ago, we interviewed Joshua Sniffen, of NFC Systems fame, about his love for SFF, his passion for design, and the journey from hobbyist to manufacturer. Two and a half years later, the next major revision of his signature chassis line is around the corner, and there have been a tonne of changes in the Small Form Factor world. So, it's about time we talk to him again, and see how things are going, what has changed, and what he predicts for the future.

This is the first in a series of "Meet the Creators", a series of interviews with the designers and manufacturers active in our community. Our community helps foster the growth of the SFF world. Join our community today to chat alongside the masters! Lets do this.

Read more here.


King of Cable Management
SFFn Staff
Bronze Supporter
Jun 3, 2016
I finally got a chance to read it. Awesome stuff as usual.

As far as I am concerned, NFC Josh is the nicest guy in the world. Don't debate that with me either -you will lose that battle.
Honestly, if someone made a Threadripper ITX board, I might be so inclined to stuff it into a S4 just so I could put some money (as little as it may be) into his deserving hands.

I love the S4 chassis and every aspect of it, I'm eager to own one of them someday.