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Yeah I might try another cpu. The temps have leveled off to normal idle temps at 32C but do still spike from time to time. Kept it on all day yesterday while on my other pc. Fans were spinning low rpm's, temps were 32C then it would increase to 45-53C for a few moments then back down to 32C. Just random spikes, the cpu usage did increase from 1-2% to 21% at this time. Happened about 4x's over an 8 hr period. Fans did what they were suppose to but why a spike at idle perplexes me. My other pc ASUS z690i, i7-12700K, Corsair AIO, never does that.

I purchased the i9-9900K in 7/19 for a new build. Over the past 5 yrs I've used it everyday pretty much, do real estate photography & extensive Lr & Ps. I've never overclocked & not a gamer, even with heavy editing usage temps really never exceeded 40C except when I was converting large raw files to Jpeg to a folder. 

My wife's pc ASUS B360i, i5-8400, Corsair 120 AIO, is always constant at idle 30C, it can be on all day as well and never spikes like the i9-9900K. Even during usage with multiple windows open, (most of her work is on line, she's a realtor & does her own website), it stays at 32C - 36C.  The question is, it the normal for i9-9900K to spike randomly or is it starting to go?

I guess the only way to find out is to purchase another cpu & see what happens. Thanks for