This is my first PC since I had one with Riva TNT2 16MB, and VooDoo3 was the thing every one wanted. I'm a minimalist, so when I've learnt about SFF community I knew that's something for me. I'm currently preparing for CompTIA A+ so decided to have a go and build my own PC. I don't have much time for gaming so would like to keep this build on a low-end, as I decided to spend few extra hours a week of overtime to fund it. I will be also focusing on second hand market components.
- low power consumption
- quiet=low temps
- able to edit 4k footage (simple stuff like speed ramping)
- able to play Cyber Punk: 1080p 60fps medium setting.
Case: Dan A4-SFX v4.1 (own)
PSU: Corsair SF600 (own)
Motherboard: I've chosen B550i's as they are usually sold for £20 more than B450i's. And for another £20 I can have new one. I like the ports they provide and from my understanding they also give me more options for undervolting.
- Gigabyte B550I - It is the coolest one (according to optimumtech review). It's still few of them around new or used. I will be loosing front type-C 10Gbps (but should be able to get type-E header adapter and run it with 5Gbps)
- ASRock B550I Phantom Gaming - running the hottest but I can undervolt the CPU. It is also the only one mobo with 10Gbps USB-C header. Would need L-shaped power cables.
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600 or 5 5600 - I didn't chose X versions as from my understanding they are factory overclocked, so I can do it myself. Also 3600X is running hotter at 95W TDP
Hard Drives: Crucial MX500 1TB 2.5" SSD (own)
Samsung MZ-JPV2560/0A4 (own) - but it has Apple proprietary connection so I would need to use 110mm adapter and do some modding to fit it.
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory, I was looking for VLP but they are: slow, ECC, expensive and hard to get.
Cooling (intake): Alpenföhn BLACK RIDGE 47.1 CFM CPU Cooler (will replace the stock fan with Noctua later).
Bottom (exhaust): Noctua A9x14 HS-PWM chromax.Black.swap 33.84 CFM 92 mm Fan
Noctua A9 PWM chromax.black.swap 46.44 CFM 92 mm Fan
GPU: Here is where I struggle. My biggest concern is about some cards that cause air turbulence or they get too hot in this case. And I don't wan't to do offset trick as my OCD does not allow for such. Also looking for those information is pain in the back. They are spread over here, Hforum, and reddit in over myriad of posts. I've already spend couple of weeks trying to filter trough all of them.
My top pick would be:
- ASUS ROG Strix GTX 1080 OC
- Inno3D GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Gaming OC
- MSI GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Armor 11G OC
- Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3070 Eagle 8G OC
Please advise.