Do you mean with respect to availability? If that's what you are suggesting, I'm not so sure it's the motivation. That's what I thought it was originally, too.. but they did a giveaway for a Nano, and a lot of smaller sites / pro amd sources that aren't necessarily reviewers received them. They seem to be avoiding sites that either may not give them a favourable review, whether that be due to bias or simply misunderstanding the SFF niche it falls into. I only mention [H] as the guys there were already in the process of setup for small SFF-style rig to compare it to a 970 ITX. They didn't even have the 970 ITX before hand or the case - they bought both. They will probably try to acquire a Nano through alternate means.
It seems that for a site like [H] that they have such a close relationship to - remember, [H] and AMD hosted the FX experience events together - it's curious to shun them.
Edit - fixing sentence