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! Urgent News !

An AM4 Mini ITX board became available last week (in a really good price), and I just had to buy it. I algo bought a 32gb ram kit, that had a relatively fair price. the Cpu market here is a a lot overpriced and soon we might go to ryzen 4000s so I just got a Ryzen 5 1600AF.

comparing to my current specs, I'll be overclocking it so I'll be just a litte better in single thread but almost double performance in multithread scores.

I might change to the C7 Copper, or regular C7 for aesthetics, dunno yet.

As soon as the parts get here I'll try to update the photos. I'm still a month away from vacation and I'm doing a lot of freelancing nowadays so I'm not sure If I'll have enough free time to transfer my system before then hahaha